
We Apologize for the Confusement

Hello everyone. Thank you for reading this article. I’m Shogo, the manager of this website and the interpreter/instructor at Yushikan Kyoto’s Samurai Training Activity/Yushin Ryu Online Lessons.

Some of you who have tried to learn more about our Ryuha may have visited the Honbu Dojo website. Many of you may have been surprised by the content at the top of the page. In this article, I would like to explain the situation briefly.

Our dojo leader, Yushin Seto, has practiced the Yushin-Ryu style for over 20 years, which was created by his grandfather. This Ryuha is based on his name. Obviously, everyone, including himself, thought that Yushin Seto would be the second-generation head of the school. However, the Kyoto branch, of which Yushin Seto was in charge, had grown considerably, and the number of students who wanted to learn from Yushin Seto rather than from the head of the school (his grandfather) increased, causing a rift between the head of the school and Yushin Seto. As a result, Yushin Seto was excommunicated from Ryuha for “disturbing the harmony.” This was a very painful, sad, and unfortunate outcome for his grandson, Yushin Seto, who was determined to protect the Ryuha that his grandfather had created with his life.

However, many students still wish to study Kenjutsu under him. Therefore, we have decided to start a new Ryuha called “Kyoto Yushin” and continue our activities. In other words, Yushinkan Kyoto will continue to be a dojo with more than 20 students. We would like to ask for your continued support and encouragement.

If you want to participate in our activities, please book through our Airbnb page. Our online lessons are available through our Patreon page. We look forward to meeting you all.