
Your Name will be on the Wall

Hello everyone. Thank you for reading this article. I’m Shogo, the manager of this website and the interpreter/instructor at Yushikan Kyoto’s Samurai Training Activity/Yushin Ryu Online Lessons.

Congratulations! Now, the names of our online lesson members are on the wall of our dojo, too (Please forgive us for writing “ONLINE LESSON” next to the names… We wanted it easier to see how many online lesson members we have for those who come to our samurai training activity). The Shōdō traditional calligraphy Sensei will come to the dojo every month. If we ever have new members, we will add your names here too.

If you want to participate in our activities, please book through our Airbnb or TripAdvisor pages. Our online lessons are available through our Patreon page (patreon.com/yushinryuonlinelessons). We look forward to meeting you all.