
350+ Reviews on Airbnb

Hello everyone. Thank you for reading this article. I’m Shogo, the manager of this website and the interpreter/instructor at Yushikan Kyoto’s Samurai Training Activity.

We are happy to present that we have received more than 350 reviews (☆4.99) on our Airbnb Experience page. We started taking reservations on this website in December 2022, so we achieved this number of reviews in about a year. What’s especially great is the rating is also ☆4.99. We are delighted and honored to know that everyone had a good time at our samurai training activity.

Our goal is to become the most popular samurai training activity on Airbnb Experiences. We are concerned about the fact that many other facilities are taught by undertrained instructors who don’t even train in mat cutting or don’t have their own students. Of course, we completely understand that some people prefer the easy-going experience. However, we still want to become the most well-known activity so that everyone can have an authentic option. It would be wonderful if you could continue to support us.

If you want to participate in any of our activities, please book through our Airbnb or TripAdvisor pages. We look forward to meeting you all.